
Fatal Tennessee Truck Crashes should be Reviewed by Experienced Wrongful Death Attorney

A Henderson County, Tennessee trucking accident has claimed the life of a 37-year-old Middle Tennessee woman, the Jackson Sun reported.

A Tennessee wrongful death attorney should always be consulted in the wake of a fatal accident involving a semi or other large commercial vehicle.

In this case the Sun is reporting the woman crashed into the semi, which had come to a stop late Thursday afternoon on I-40 eastbound, about 14 miles north of Lexington. The Tennessee Highway Patrol reports the Centerville woman was killed in the crash. She was wearing a seat belt.

An experienced semi accident attorney in Tennessee may find additional parties at fault in the accident. Parties who may be at fault in a trucking accident include:

-The truck driver

-The trucking company

-The owner or leasing agent of the truck and/or trailer

-Other motorists

-Companies responsible for loading the truck or that own the cargo

-Equipment or vehicle manufacturers

-Road construction companies

-State or local government entities responsible for road repair and signal operation

-Associated insurance companies

Additionally, truck drivers must follow strict rules enforced by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and state and local governments. These rules are designed to protect the public and could impact the finding of fault in an accident case. For example, it is illegal under federal law for truckers to text message while driving. And, as we reported recently on our Tennessee Truck Accident Lawyer Blog, drivers must follow strict hours-of-service rules that govern how many hours they can remain behind the wheel.

If you or a loved one is injured or killed in a trucking accident in Tennessee, contact Hartsoe Law Firm, P.C. for a confidential appointment to discuss your rights with our Knoxville injury lawyers and Maryville accident attorneys. Call (877) 472-5657.