
Officials Crack Down on Trucking Accidents in Tennessee and Elsewhere

The Tennessee Highway Patrol recently participated, in partnership with the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, in the nation’s biggest patrol on commercial vehicles.

Operation Roadcheck 2011 was a 72-hour roadside enforcement project conducted in various areas throughout the United States. This project aimed to enhance bus and truck safety and reduce the risks of bus and truck accidents in Knoxville and elsewhere in North America, according to Clarksville Online.

“It is more important than ever that we place an emphasis on commercial vehicle safety in Tennessee,” said Department of Safety and Homeland Security Commissioner Bill Gibbons. “The Tennessee Highway Patrol will do its part to maintain the safety and security of our highways through inspections and roadside checks, but it is also the commercial drivers’ responsibility to identify safety defects with their vehicle. Together, we can ensure that all motorists reach their destination safely.”

Our Tennessee truck accident lawyers recognize that these large, commercial vehicles often produce more serious injuries and more fatal accidents than accidents between two smaller motor-vehicles. It is the large size and heavy weight of these commercial vehicles that prove to be deadly in accidents. Motorists are urged to travel among these large vehicle with extreme caution.

There were nine inspection stations at weigh stations along our interstates. Law enforcement made random stops in various areas of our highways. They conducted Level I inspections — the most thorough and comprehensive type of inspection. Officers examined tires, lights, brakes and every other major component on trucks and buses.

During last year’s operation, more than 400 commercial vehicles were inspected during the 72-hour crackdown period. Throughout these inspections, more than 25 commercial drivers and nearly 35 vehicles were placed out-of-service. Throughout the entire United States, according to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, nearly 65,500 commercial vehicles were inspected and nearly 30 percent of drivers received out-of-service violations. Another 26 percent of vehicles received out-of-service violations during that time.

“Operation Roadcheck reinforces the critical role inspector’s play in safety and crash prevention on state highways,” said THP Colonel Tracy Trott. “It’s important to have well-trained drivers who are conscious of their vehicles functionality and abide by the rules of the road, especially with the size, weight and increased numbers of passengers of these vehicles. We will not hesitate to place commercial vehicles or its’ drivers out of service to keep our highways safe.”

If you or a loved one is injured or killed in a trucking accident in Tennessee, contact Hartsoe Law Firm, P.C. for a confidential appointment to discuss your rights with our Knoxville injury lawyers and Maryville accident attorneys. Call (877) 472-5657.

More Blog Entries:

Teens Unite to Raise Awareness of Trucking Accidents in Tennessee and Elsewhere, Tennessee Truck Accident Lawyer Blog, June 11, 2011

New Proposals Aim to Reduce Risk of Tennessee Tractor-Trailer Accidents, Tennessee Truck Accident Lawyer Blog, May 17, 2011