As more and more teens hit the road and the school year winds down, drivers will be at an increased chance of being involved in a Knoxville car accident.
Knoxville injury lawyers know all too well the severity of distracted driving among teens. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood states, “Distracted driving has become a deadly epidemic on America’s roads and teens are especially vulnerable because of their inexperience behind the wheel and, often, peer pressure.”
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) reports that nearly 500,000 people were injured as a result of distracted driving in 2009. Nearly 5,500 people were killed in the United States.
Consumer Reports National Research Center recently conducted a representative survey about distracted driving and discovered some alarming facts:
-More than 60 percent of teen drivers admitted to using a hand-held phone while driving.
-30 percent of teens admit to texting while driving.
-9 out of 10 teen drivers have witnessed someone else using a hand-held phone behind the wheel.
-More than half of those surveyed have seen a distracted driver create a dangerous driving situation.
The DOT is teaming up with Consumer Reports in effort to educate teens about the dangers of texting and cell phone use while driving. They’re offering a free “Distracted Driving Shatters Lives” guide to parents, teens and teachers to alert them of the dangers of distracted driving.
The DOT and Consumer Reports recommend that you keep these points in mind when discussing road safety with your teen:
-Make sure they know the consequences of distracted driving, including punishments, consequences and injuries.
-Establish rules prohibiting texting and calling behind the wheel.
-Lead by example. Put down your phone while driving.
-Make a driving contract to be signed by you and your teen agreeing on specific driving rules.
“It only takes a moment to cause a tragedy,” says Jim Guest, president of Consumers Union, “No text or call is worth a life.”
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