Brain Injury
Anyone who has watched a person struggle to recover from a brain injury understands how devastating such injuries can be. Their impact reverberates through the injured person’s entire family. The emotional and financial consequences that flow from such an injury are severe.
If a brain injury is caused by someone’s negligent behavior, the injured person may seek compensation for his or her medical bills (both past and future), pain and suffering, lost earnings, related loss of enjoyment of life, loss of ability to earn, and more. Such injuries frequently have a dramatic effect on the entire family—especially on caregivers.
While no amount of monetary compensation can erase the effects of a brain injury, money can enable an injured person to seek the advice of experts in the field as well as the long-term care and rehabilitation services that would maximize his or her quality of life.
If you or someone you love suffered a brain injury in Tennessee, you should discuss your situation with an experienced Tennessee personal injury attorney who is familiar with the various types of brain injuries, with the intricacies of Tennessee personal injury law, and with the outcome of other comparable brain injury cases in the state. Whether the injury was caused by a motorcycle accident, a slip-and-fall, medical malpractice, a defective product, or a different situation that involved negligence, you would benefit from the services of an attorney who understands how to prove the full extent of the harm caused by a brain injury and is ready to aggressively pursue full compensation on your behalf.
If you were recently involved in an accident that involved a blow to your head, you should be on the lookout for symptoms such as persistent headache, dizziness, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, unexplained changes in behavior, and difficulty in concentrating or remembering. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, such symptoms may follow a traumatic brain injury.
Tennessee attorney Mark C. Hartsoe represents clients who are pursuing compensation for the harm they suffered as a result of a brain injury. At the Hartsoe Law Firm, we conduct a thorough investigation of each case that we accept, gather and preserve key evidence, and help our clients negotiate each step of the process in pursuit of a monetary recovery.
To schedule an initial consultation with an experienced Tennessee brain injury attorney, please call 865-804-1011, email, or fill out and submit our online “Contact Us” form.